Today is February 18, 2025

Upcoming Activities and Plans for SY 2024-2025

April 13, 2024

Home > Advisories > Upcoming Activities and Plans for SY 2024-2025

02 April 2024

 Dear Esteemed Parents and Guardians,

 Greetings of peace in the name of Jesus, the Good Shepherd!

 As we near the end of another school year, we would like to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude for your continuous support and involvement in your child's education. It has truly been a collaborative effort in ensuring their success this year. Your unwavering support, cooperation, and understanding throughout this time have been greatly appreciated, and we are proud of how our school community has come together to ensure that our learners have continued to receive quality Catholic education.

 For your proper guidance, allow us to formally inform you of our remaining activities as we wrap up the school year. Please take note that these dates & activities are still subject to changes and adjustments:



April 4 and 5

Educational Field Trip of Grades 7 to 10 Learners

April 13

Release of 3rd Quarter Grades

April 15 - 20

Senior High School Week

April 27

4th Quarter Presentation of Performance Tasks to Parents

May 3 and 4

Grade 10 Retreat

May 21 - 24

RCBNES Post-Tests and Grade 12 College Readiness Test

May 28

Last Day of Formal Classes

May 29 – June 01

Fourth Periodic Examinations

June 05

RCBNES Baccalaureate Mass

June 10 - 18

Practices and Preparations for the Yearend Ceremonies


June 19

Yearend Ceremonies

(Recognition, Moving Up, Promotion, Completion & Graduation Ceremonies)

June 21

Onsite Distribution of 4th Quarter Report Cards

As we prepare to close the current school year, preparations for the next school year are also underway. Hence, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you that the opening of classes for School Year 2024-2025 is tentatively scheduled for August 05, 2024. By that time, the second floor of our new building is expected to be fully functional and ready for use. In view of this, please be informed of the following:

1)    Recognizing its numerous benefits to both learners, teachers, and parents, blended learning modality will be fully institutionalized for School Year 2024-2025. This means that our school will be implementing 4-day full face-to-face classes (Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri) and 1-day asynchronous learning (Wed) across all grade levels. The one-day asynchronous class will allow learners to accomplish their assignments, read assigned materials, and conduct research work at their own pace in their respective homes. Extra-curricular activities may also be scheduled on this day.

2)    The following will be the tentative schedule of face-to-face classes next school year:





  • Morning Shift: 7:20 am – 9:20 am
  • Mid-Morning Shift: 10:00 am – 12:00 nn


  • Morning Shift: 7:20 am – 10:20 am
  • Mid-Morning Shift: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Afternoon Shift: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Grades 1-2-3

7:20 am – 2:00 pm

Grades 4-5-6

7:20 am – 3:00 pm

Grades 7 to 12

7:20 am – 4:00 pm

In view of these vital information, allow us to provide you with pertinent details regarding our enrollment next school year:


Tuition fees for School Year 2024-2025 are still being finalized at this moment. We will update you once it is already available.


Continuing learners will be given priority in enrollment. For sibling learners who are staying on, here is a pro-rata scheme for the first, second, and third child, respectively. This reservation fee is non-refundable but deductible from the tuition to be paid upon enrollment. Reservation rates are as follows:

1st Child – ? 5,000.00            2nd Child – ? 3,000.00            3rd Child – ? 2,000.00

Beginning April 3, 2024, we will be accepting reservations for SY 2024 - 2025. This priority slot is good until July 20, 2024. This means that reserved learners must make their enrollment final or definitive on or before the deadline to avoid being downgraded to waitlisted status and/or losing their preferred section. Payment of reservation fee will be accepted until May 25, 2024.

To make your reservation, kindly fill out the form on this link:


Online and onsite enrollment will start on June 10, 2024, Mondays to Fridays, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Saturdays, 8:00 AM to 12:00 NN. Enrollment procedures will be communicated in the coming days.


 Online and onsite applications for new and transfer learners are ongoing. You may click this link for admission requirements and procedures:



You are encouraged to refer new students to enroll in Good Shepherd Cathedral School. For every qualified student successfully referred, you will be given a discount on your child’s tuition. The more referrals you make, the bigger the discount you can get. The following rules will apply:

Every student you refer entitles you to an incentive on the condition that the student has successfully enrolled and has actually paid all the required fees upon enrollment according to the mode of payment chosen by his/her parent/guardian.

An incentive of ? 500.00 will be deducted from your child’s tuition for every referral.

Other terms and conditions:

·     Employees and affiliates of the school are not entitled to the referral incentive.

·     This is not applicable to siblings and returning students.

·     The referent’s name should be given by the referee when he/she registers for the entrance test.

·     A referral fee may be claimed upon evaluation of the documents or may be deducted from your child’s account.

F. DISCOUNTS FOR SY 2024 - 2025

We are optimistic that your child will continue to study with us next school year. To express our appreciation to you, we are still offering the same attractive discounts. Please choose one that is of most advantage to you.

Sibling Discounts Applicable to the Youngest of:

Ø  2 Children – 10%

Ø  3 Children – 20%

Ø  4 Children – 30%

Ø  5 Children – 50%

Academic Discounts

The top three (3) learners with the highest general average among the enrolled learners in the grade level at the end of the school year will receive the following discounts:



Discount on Tuition Fees

Top 1


Top 2


Top 3



For new or transfer learners, the scheme below shall be applied:

Top 1

Top 2

Top 3





v Education Service Contracting (ESC) Tuition Fee Subsidy (for incoming Grade 7 students) and SHS Voucher (for incoming Grade 11 students)

As a PEAC-FAPE certified school, GSCS is granted slots for incoming Grade 7 students who will receive a tuition fee subsidy of ? 13,000.00 annually until they reach Grade 10. This subsidy becomes ? 18,000.00 when they reach Grades 11 and 12.  For incoming Grade 11 students who are not ESC grantees, they may apply for the SHS voucher to avail themselves of the same subsidy. Grade 11 students coming from public schools will automatically receive a subsidy of ? 22,500.00 when they enroll in GSCS. We will post in our social media accounts the application procedures for these subsidies as soon as application has started.

v Tuition Discounts for Incoming Grade 11 Learners

·          20% Tuition Fee Discount for Grade 10 Completer with Loyalty Award (Learner who studied in GSCS from Kinder to Grade 10)

·          10% Tuition Fee Discount for Grade 10 Completer without Loyalty Award


Athletic Discounts for Most Valuable Players, Mythical Team Members of RCBNES Tournament and Champions of Competitions (Academic and Sports)

To be given upon presentation of proper credentials, in this light:

i. MVP (of the season) -  50%

ii. Mythical Team - 30%

iii. Champions Intra-Diocesan Competitions - 15%

iv. Champions of District Competitions - 40%

Individual winners of iii and iv shall be accorded double percentage of the aforementioned discounts

v. Champions Regional Competitions -  60%        

vi. Champions National Competitions - 80%         

vii. Champions International Competitions - 100%

We want to thank you once again for your partnership in your child's education. We look forward to the new school year ahead and all of the possibilities that it holds for our learners. God bless and stay safe always!


Good Shepherd Cathedral School
Address: Omega Avenue corner Rado Street, Fairview Park, Quezon City 1118

T: 7757-4163, 7621-9062
Email Address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

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